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tv   [untitled]    April 13, 2013 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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entering the country over alleged abuse of human rights it's a direct response to america's so-called magnitsky list. venezuela picks its future by choosing between the two go chavez's socialist revolution or a free market champion of polls open in less than twenty four hours. we look at the u.s. so when is the loyalty of opposition leaders around the world by ultimately handing out fishing poles. it's a pleasure to have you with us here on r.t. today on rule research i live in moscow with your news from around the world and we start with the latest diplomatic spat between russia and the u.s.
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and moscow has drawn up a list of americans suspected of links to torture illegal arrests on the abduction of russian citizens and ban them from entering its territory and the move is a response to washington blocking russians which officials in moscow dismissed as we're so focused more on this a diplomatic standoff between a caution about joins me here live in the studio naughty and certainly good to see you today russia has fired back but who's actually on the list and why did moscow feel it necessary to release it now good to see you too now it is really an exchange out the list of people that both countries suspect of violating human rights now fast the u.s. came up with a so-called to magness the act that was published late on friday now it's russia's turn and russia has come up with a pretty much the a similar measure but if we take a closer look at the russian list then it really consists of two parts here now the first one is devoted to those people responsible for he. and rice violations at the
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guantanamo detention facility and then there is a second part of the list to where there are people who are responsible for human rights violations of russian citizens abroad well indeed in fact the shorter list of four names on it is the school already got the name of being the guantanamo bay a list alternately featuring guys who are accused of torture in various methods or not we've got four names on the essentially they're all four americans are from different branches of the american military here is david spears adding to he was he was actually reporting to dick cheney during the years of george w. bush he was a basically overseeing various forms of torture john you you he he actually wrote a number of dossiers on methods of torture sleep deprivation waterboarding we've certainly heard a lot about waterboarding in the recent past geoffrey miller as well he was actually overseeing overseeing guantanamo bay cuba but also in iraq as well including the infamous abu ghraib prison and finally geoffrey robinson as well he
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was actually meant to oversee any violations of human rights at guantanamo bay he's been going there since two thousand and two but what has he done with human rights abuses still continue to really sound while top officials here on the list but it was really all triggered by the u.s. move and my colleague on this they see it you're going in new york can now tells us what well she tells us on what what initially cause of this frustration in moscow and what lad to this really countermeasure. the obama administration has released a list of russians to be blacklisted under the so-called mug act despite moscow's calls not to put such a list together in the first place let alone publish it the list includes eighteen names including sixteen judges and investigators in the united states accused of human rights abuses linked directly to the money needs case these individuals will be forbidden from getting a u.s. visa as well as have their assets frozen so they might need to keep was a russian lawyer who was arrested for tax evasion in two thousand and eight he died
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a year later while still in pretrial detention at the age of thirty seven since then the u.s. has eagerly been exploiting the circumstances of his death which president putin said was a tragedy moscow warned washington that its handling of the case was a domestic issue for russia and russia alone and that the americans must not interfere responding to the so-called magnitsky list russia's prime minister admits in the fears of so the u.s. has the right to bar anyone from entering its territory by simply denying them a visa so the purpose of this additional ban is unclear except for its symbolism russia's concern that the release of the document comes at a bad time apart from putting out a strain on u.s. russian relations it comes ahead of the visit of the u.s. national security advisor to moscow on monday now what moscow's really mostly first traded about is that all these russians on the list had never been under any investigation and it's not been proved that they had links to any human rights
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abuses but washington on the last really without proving the peoples of the people's guild here labels them with human rights violators and we can now listen to the reaction that came from russia's foreign ministry. under pressure from the members of the united states congress there's been a serious blow to relations and mutual trust between russia and the united states and we had to respond and react to the proportion of what he didn't attempt to interfere in our internal affairs. now but you know what is certainly very interesting is that on the current lists there were no extreme high ranking officials at the moment from one of the number do you know that could all change the lists could get big and they could be some really big names on them right you're absolutely right here on those lists with that with the seen recently are the short version of the quite bigger and extended list that both countries
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possess and now they say that there are there is like a secret part of the list for example that one of the u.s. list even includes the chechen had they had of the chechen republic. and russia in response also says that it is also part of it a taint of part of its own list that has not been published so again a very similar and very symmetrical move here well indeed as you're saying but when it comes to the idea of these blocked list it's not just black it's being exchanged between both saw is there actually the exchange of law or was being paused between you saw is that a basically against each other true true completely agree with you here and really it's been like the first us introduce the so-called so much need ski law now and then russia responded by introducing a law that among other things balance u.s. citizens from adopting russian children and really that adoption ban came after
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a string of abuse cases in the us and russian children died in the united states families under really special circumstances in the past few years and basically no one carried any punishment for those deaths but now moscow tries to go even further with the issue of child protection now there is this un convention on the rights of the child basically the main document that protects children all over the world and how do you know which countries now. never ratified it well from what i understand almost all members of the un did ratify this document but there were two right and you're going to tell me countries did not ratify the document right indeed these countries are somalia and the united states is not too often you get somalia in the united states in the same sentence together but that's not true and it's bit disturbing indeed our i don't even a question of i'm not the last we've heard of this going to see today we'll be
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talking to you soon. well you are watching r t a live from moscow back with more news in just a. it's good to have you with us here on our sushi live in moscow in exactly well now less than twenty four hours i should say venezuelans start voting for a new leader for the presidential election triggered of course by the death of chavez last month that will determine the course of one of the most oil rich nations in the world. campaign and again that is way less chooses the president chavez choice runs against a free market poster boy for possible venezuela choose after coming down. that is
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where the votes. well the presidential campaign is over with allegations of conspiracies that dominate the race and while the still piling up in the latest twist of the government announced it are for all the plot to disrupt the upcoming vote and arrested colombians posing as venezuelan military officials authorities earlier claimed they exposed plans to assassinate nicolas maduro while the opposition says the government was planning to arrest its he figures but finger pointing aside let's take a look at the two candidates and their chances are reports from the venezuelan capital. important elections for the venezuelan people certainly snap elections. this is about a month ago it has been a short campaign for everyone who has been unfolding there are two top contenders in these elections on the one hand you have
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a nicolas maduro he's the acting interim president of the country he was the vice president during the thomases time and on the other hand you have become this run i guess and options in october two thousand and twelve and he's a rival was talking about bringing change to the country now there's been a lot of name calling during this campaign period you have a little accusing us of being at the prince of the bourgeoisie not representing the poor calling him capricious some of the other hand you have accused of being a liar or using this as a body to run a political campaign now however they did touch both of them tough on the issue of tackling crime in the country this is a top concern of the citizens here they want to see the crime level addressed and brought down a small as a government bureaucracy and inefficiencies in the work staunchest supporters very loyal to. this is still for the so-called socialist revolution to continue this and some of them out of this loyalty to vote for nicolas maduro on the other hand you
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have those people who have been blaming the government for a lot of the problems of the country not least of which is why you want to see what they say is a bit of stagnation in terms of the way business is going in the country and they say they will vote for the best so many are watching these elections closely not least of which is the united states and has had strained relations with the country during the time of this but for everyone else who is observing and want to know what happens next the question they want to answer really is what stuff is that is really going to take in the hands of somebody other than this. reporting right now and maybe chavez is a good successor and represents a continuation of his political course but he's not a. true that's according to international consultant adrian he spoke a bit earlier it's my colleague. probably one of the main problems suddenly collapsed maduro has now he does not have the same charisma the same popularity of
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surfing on the hugo chavez wave so to speak and that's why he's using a lot of your memory of hugo chavez the image of hugo chavez the actual ideas and this course that he gave to the people of nicolas maduro himself really has no special personal power base that he can fall back upon that's why it's really hugo chavez who is in the election through nicolas maduro so to speak a true warrior on the loyalist take a minute now to talk about the second candidate show way and rekick a pretty as he wants to create a free market economy is that something venezuelans want as well well some do some don't some but as well as definitely are very tied in with the interests of the united states hugo chavez and hopefully my doodle have done a very good job for him and for the region in the long term something that i am sure of his accomplice would not because he would completely aligned venezuela into united states requirements and banking a global financial interests a stronger ties with the u.s.
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if he gets in does that mean that dictate that does that mean the u.s. would dictate more to venezuela in the future than oh absolutely they tried to do it as a matter of fact they tried to do that exactly eleven years ago when on the eleventh and twelfth of april two thousand and two they staged a coup d'etat the orchestra. where mr completeness was one of the key people in the coup d'etat he was only too young then but mr koppel egoless is definitely the face of washington inside because we were. and plenty more heck you this hour here on r t including a retrial of egypt's ex-president of the current one faces mounting pressure. i mean look at our mohammed morsi failure to address the spike in sectarian violence and more after a short break. the
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back of the international court in the very heart of moscow. so a quarter past four on a saturday afternoon here in moscow this is our reception. the retrial of egypt's deposed president hosni mubarak has opened with a surprising move on the part of the judge he has withdrawn from the case referring it to another court and the announcement was met with angry shouts and geas mubarak was earlier sentenced to life for conspiring to kill protesters during the unrest that toppled him but a retrial was ordered after he appealed the verdict of the proceedings are taking place against the backdrop of growing discontent with the current president's policies one hundred morsi and his ruling islamist party facing mounting pressure over a lack of democratic reforms and a worsening economic situation in addition the current government is also blamed
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for a spike in sectarian violence true now reports. days after a brutal assault on egypt's main coptic cathedral activists and opposition leaders meet to discuss a response many of them like tony sabri a christian protester who was trapped inside the church say they're still in shock . because. their taxes from everywhere even from the street next to the gas stations by the supporters the police told inside that's not what this is going to be one of the civilians bombarded us with molotov cocktails rocks rubber bullets and live ammunition and the police protect the home they were painting and. the nation was shocked on sunday and bloody scenes of egypt's security post-race firing tear gas and birdshot bullets directly at mourners gathered on st marks the beach or here behind me one of the main churches to coptic christians president
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mohamed morsi has promised to investigate and his alleged comments saying an attack on this cathedral was an attack on himself has done little to satisfy the coptic christian community we division is deepening between the two religions many fear the worst has yet to come in the aftermath of the attack coptic pope to watch as the second criticize the president for failing to protect the cathedral members of the clergy present at the scene also demanded answers. of the cathedral has never been a time before who the people outside the cathedral and why did the police not even attempt to intervene why didn't they arrest one single person. had been a riot egypt director of human rights watch agrees government neglect is contributing to rising sectarian turmoil part of the problem is the way the authorities respond to incidents where there's violence between muslim and christian communities there's a long history of purity for sectarian violence and a fairly it's really acknowledge that there is a serious problem the reason funday is such
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a worrying precedent is that we saw the police we saw images of the police finding with people who are throwing stones or sometimes shooting at cathedral grounds leading member of the ruling freedom and justice party dr amr darrag admits the police behaved unprofessionally but claims the state is not to blame the christian close community has been suffering from the from the behavior of the previous regime you find all the time people trying to ignite the situation trying to cause chaos trying to spread violence as part of the of the air force to. bring down the revolution so it is very likely that these forces are behind this and we would like to know who is behind this and bring it to justice despite these assurances with only two prosecutions for sectarian violence since the revolution many believe the new muslim brotherhood government is continuing the mubarak culture of impunity in
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the meantime thousands continue to demand justice for the cathedral victims and christians like tony say they will continue to protest in till the government acts this is true for r t. the russian president vladimir putin announces the russian budget for space exploration it's about to skyrocket he's now promised more than fifty billion dollars that will be pumped into the national space program up until twenty twenty details on line for that one for you right there. and in america the f.b.i. is doing all it can to sneak a closer peek good personal. online communication dot com has information on how much money the f.b.i. wants to be paid in order to pry into the lives of its service. for now a ten million dollars support package for the syrian opposition fighting against the regime of president assad has now been approved by the united states support for
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the rebels has an all cost america more than one hundred fifteen million dollars but as artie's guy nature can explains washington willingly invests in opposition movements throughout the world for example the tickle game opposition leaders in many countries have sought and received washington's backing but u.s. support often comes at a price counting on money and arms from washington and its allies serious opposition coalition has elected a us citizen. to be the leader of an interim government we are serious have to take action we must be action the syrian born i-t. executive from texas history he told may have washington's blessing to form a new government in syria but even anti outside voices inside the country say instead of uniting syrians the american leader in syria will sow even more division . in order for mr hill to build a team with which you could have mutual understanding he needs to find these people abroad it means that these people will have no idea what life is like here before
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the election i didn't even know his name well this whole election of a government down the prime minister was simply chimerical. for the us the benefits of having a government that owes its power to washington can be considerable and that is the case with the current levy and government but oh the current regime mostly into the united states and the united states will be seeking and are cashing the check very effectively for their own interests in terms of the strategic geographically importance of libya united states and west europe how about in terms of unfettered access to the hybrid resources of libya against the resource nationalism or with all his government they have for years the u.s. has supported the opposition in another with which countries venezuela in the hope that it would replace the lead to good childless u.s. educated in the cup previous would be washington's perfect choice in the budget the
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state department's budget for two thousand and thirteen there was a paragraph included that specifically said money is for the venezuelan political groups that are aligned with the opposition or that form the opposition of more than three million dollars right wing government under someone like enrique corporeal is a menace well what help the u.s. regain its influence and dominance in the region it's not uncommon for washington to host prominent opposition figures to declare its theme is u.s. support for human rights but some note throughout the history of washington's dealings with the opposition in different countries there was another common theme it's my experience after studying. many thousands of u.s. diplomatic cables that. the united states makes a. gamey influence and contacts and informants. we've seen opposition movements in order to. lead
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in order to have. the true leader also in the second case. the transition of power having said all that it's not all oppressed opposition figures that washington welcomes for example the us is not going out of its way to free opposition figures brain who are sentenced to life in prison for taking part in protest against the government their. host the u.s. fifth fleet in the persian gulf so washington has been quite selective as far as who is opposition it supports in washington. the u.s. secretary of state john kerry has said that talks with north korea are possible only if the country agrees to end its nuclear weapons program by joining a visit to the south korean capital he reiterated that america will not accept the north as a nuclear power pentagon intelligence report suggesting pyongyang may already be able to fire a nuclear weapon was published mistakenly and quickly downplayed by the white house
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meanwhile has warned japan could become a prime target shoots down any of its test missiles tokyo warned it will intercept any rockets heading in its direction former pentagon official michael maloof believes a full scale war is actually a real possibility unless the provocations come to an end. japan and like not like the others like south korea in the united states should be keeping a very low profile keep their powder dry but not make any provocations. and i think that. as long as there are provocations underway such as those continued u.s. korean south korean military exercises this this is this crisis is going to continue if not explode due to some of this calculation. is that this threaten to shoot down any any missiles that might. go over it from from north korea and i think primarily
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it's because the united states has bases there and they see the united states is the primary threat. all right into the are they now starting with hundreds of people that have turned out him but to protest against the fiction of a sick sixty seven year old woman who died later on a homeless shelter and mourners laid flowers and candles and memory are rapidly rising rent in the capital has forced a number of longtime residents from their homes to places on the outskirts of the city where costs the cheaper. the first case of flu has been confirmed in the chinese capital beijing the h seven n nine virus has already killed eleven nationwide more than thirty have been infected and the latest outbreak has already caused some countries to ban poultry imports from china the critics are warning against mass panic as seen in the case of the swine flu of two thousand and nine when pharmaceutical companies benefited financially the governments worldwide splashed millions on vaccines many of which were later thrown away. a plane
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carrying more than one hundred seventy passengers has skidded off a runway in crash landing into the ocean but all those on board a thought to be safe several had to be taken to nearby hospitals with broken bones and cuts and the plane was coming in to land when it overshot the runway splitting into two pieces on impact i just a moment here on a t. coming up the latest edition of our financial show the kaiser report just to say you're on oxy. you know i was trying to stay clear of falling into the trap of fake outrage on this program people love to come on t.v. and be angry over this and angry over that just to fill air time but trust me saying obama signing into law with that wacky lobster like way he has of writing
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the bill marked the month santo protection act well it does not put a smile on my face that's for sure not only does this bill effectively bar federal courts from being able to halt the sale or planting of g.m.o. seeds and crops no matter what the health concerns are according to ib times but the bill was also written by senator roy blunt who's gotten sixty four thousand dollars for his political campaign pain from the g o giant monsanto itself so that's what it costs to allow companies to possibly poison millions if not all americans with risky and proven g.m.o. technology sixty four thousand dollars that's not even enough to buy a decent house sixty four thousand dollars is chump change well citizens of america now you know how much your lives are worth in washington but that's just my opinion .
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more news today violence has once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. showing cooperation through the day. i am max keiser welcome to the kaiser report mt gox is down that means a bit going bubble is over so everything. cyprus is going to sell their gold no they're not yes they are no they're not yes they are no they're not yes they are hoops the fed just released their minutes a day early to a few wall street banks sell everything now wait by everything no way so everything
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buy sell sell bought stationer first i'm going to start with this tweet from bloomberg athens cyprus a central bank hasn't discussed any plan to sell gold reserves in the cozy a based institution spokeswoman. said max this was following on a headline earlier in the day and it became big news everywhere which was cyprus to dive into its gold reserves a draft bailout document seen by the financial times said the cypriots already have committed to sell the excess amount of gold reserves owned by the republic the excess amount was ten tons of their thirteen point nine tons which was worth four hundred million euros right well on this show we have said that the i.m.f. the e.u. the e.c.b. the so-called troika there their goal as they maraud around europe is to grab the gold remember greece had to give up their gold to the troika cyprus of course will give up their gold and it's because funny.


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